Rita Sidhu B.A. LL.B.
Barrister & Solicitor
Phone: 604.687.0220
Cell: 778.552.4098
Fax: 604.687.0228
Email: rita@ritasidhulaw.com
#400-601 West Broadway*
Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 4C2
*By appointment only. No walk ins.
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About Fees
ICBC personal injury files generally proceed on a contingency basis. Non-contingency fees are calculated based on the time spent on your file. I also take on a limited number of Legal Aid files. For other matters, it is not always possible to predict the time required to adequately represent you. Billing policies are thoroughly reviewed at the time a retainer is signed.
Your Account: Deposits, Retainers and Disbursements
Generally, a retainer is required before work can be commenced on your behalf. A retainer is a form of deposit. It is placed into a trust account and used as a credit that, in most cases, is applied to disbursements (out-of-pocket expenses) and to your final bill. The amount of the retainer depends on the complexity of the work to be done and may need to be topped up from time to time.
As your file progresses, disbursements are generally paid on your behalf. These can include registration or filing fees, long-distance telephone charges, special postage or courier fees, parking, and similar charges.
Important Points to Note
- The law requires lawyers to charge taxes on our fees and on most expenses.
- Accounts are due on receipt of your invoice; interest accrues on the unpaid balance after 15 days unless other arrangements have been made.
- Payment may be made by cheque, cash, or PayPal (including Visa or MasterCard).
- Please contact us if you have any questions about our fees. We look forward to hearing from you.